Many times we run into entrepreneurs that know how to build extremely sophisticated products but have no idea how to explain the product to the market. We dealt with one such situation (not the only one though) many years ago. 

There was this maverick genius who had some amazing medical products but when we spoke to the market, there was no clarity about what the company or the products stood for.

After immersing ourselves in the company culture, history, processes etc and by talking to employees, customers, distributors and end consumers we were able to piece together a picture that represented what the company really was all about. 

From this we were able to tell a story about the company and its products that resonated with both the employees and the marketplace. Most importantly, it was not marketing spin.

We don’t do that. It was a true, authentic story told in a language that the company’s audience understood. This unleashed a lot of pent up growth that helped the company double its revenues very quickly.